Mortgages as leverage

I guess there is a fine line between scheming and education. The question is when do you cross it. Using the equity in your house to make leveraged investments sounds very interesting to me. I've always believed in borrowing money to invest if your rate of return is significantly lower than your cost of borrowing. I even did a speech about it in University. I guess there are a lot forms of investing outside of mutual funds, stocks and bonds that we don't really hear about. So I guess we'll just wait for our little road map to be spit out and see how it goes.

Things that get on my nerves: Electoral College

Thoughts on Days: Still not sure why Mimi doesn't tell Belle Jan is blackmailing her, considering Belle knows Mimi had an abortion (oh sorry Rex, hope you are not reading this).

posted by aforward @ 9:35 AM,


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