Hotel Rwanda
Monday, July 18, 2005
Andrew and I found Hotel Rwanda in our movie case and what a lucky find.
I was really engaged by the movie. At first I felt really stupid and ignorant about not really knowing any of the details of Genocide that happend in Rwanda. The only excuse I came up with is that it happened in 1994 when I was in Grade 10. I don't remember hearing about in the school.
The only detail I really knew was that Canadian General Romeo Dallaire played a major role in the UN Peacekkeping mission. And I only knew that because I watched that World's Greatest Canadian series.
Anyways it is a great movie (very sad). Don Cheadle does an excellent job in a very tough role, deserving of the Oscar nomination he received.
And Nick Nolte was good too. My brother once had to hold Nick's head while he was drunk in Toronto, so that is the only picture I have of him.
posted by aforward @ 8:32 PM,