Are Gas Prices Really That Bad? (Speaking relatively)

Saw a neat little report on Global news last night. It was comparing the price of gas per litre to other things we don't really consider their cost per litre. For example bottled water costs much more per litre than gas.

I thought it was an interesting comparison. The main argument is that gas on one hand is an essential item....which is funny when comparing it with water (which is what one would assume to be pretty essential). They also compared "oil rich" countries (lots of oil = lots of money) to "water poor" countries (lots of water but not a lot of money) such as Canada (that was funny).

The only thing I didn't like was when they started to compare the cost per litre for a Starbucks latte.

And another thing, there is more fat in a carrot muffin than a quarter pounder...what is that about?

posted by aforward @ 9:51 AM,


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