Back To School...

I'm taking a class now on Monday nights and doing the IFIC (mutual funds course) via correspondence. The class is the first of 4 classes I need to take to satisy the educational requirments for the CFP designation.
The first class was really good, it's very relaxed and not a lot of stress on grades like I found at University. Most people are there just out of interest and are not really looking to get their designation. The text book is a ridiculous $250.00... almost the cost of the course itself. I also need to buy a special calculator.

Investor's Group contacted me again so looks like I have my foot in the door there for a job when I'm done the IFIC. A job there will satisfy the practical experience requirment for the designation (2 years).

Finally I have to pass a Day long exam. I think I will look into some memory courses to help me study for this as a lot of people don't pass on the first try. And I live with a guy who knows a thing or two about excelling in exams.

posted by aforward @ 11:36 AM,


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