The Apathy Epidemic

I was first introduced to the word apathy during our AGM for Field Hockey this year. We were asking the provincial representatives straight out "Why aren't we able to grow our membership?,Why aren't we able to get more teams participating in our national championships? and the one consistent answer was "Apathy", or better phrased... "because no one really wants to do the work."

I think humans in general are stuck in this lull... of oh "I don't feel like it". Personally I'm a big culprit. I know I should be exercising more but it's a lot easier to sit on the couch and it is VERY easy to say "I don't feel like it."

I wonder where all this laziness has come from.... and is it possible for laziness to become an epidemic like obesity.

At my job sometimes I won't do a task or i'll put it off 'till a little later because I don't really feel like doing it. Now imagine someone with a more important job doing the same thing... like an air traffic controller or... oh I don't know...a hurricane emergency response team.

posted by aforward @ 12:54 PM,


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