Being Lactose Intolereant Once Every 3 Years

I have a bout with lactose intolerance about once every three years. Last night was my latest episdoe. Sudden crippling stomach pains and not really knowing what it is. (because it only happens once every three years I tend to forget sometimes what it "might" be.)

Being the paranoid diagnostic I am... I wondered what I had eaten in case it was food poisoning.I did have salmon at lunch but food poisoning usually shows systoms within two hours. Then I thought hey it's that lactose intolerenace problem I sometimes have. Then I thought wait I didn't have any milk products so it can't be that...then I remembered I did have a bowl of cereal when I got home, so two and two makes lactose intolerence.

So the problem is that I have lactaid but the pills are like 4 years passed the expiry date (which happens when you only need to take one every three years). I took them anyway and problem solved. Lactaid is the only thing that can fix's the weirdest thing but what a relief.

posted by aforward @ 11:55 AM,


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