Other Income Producing Assets

So I've just picked up David Foster's, Stop Working book. I saw himon TV and they didn't have it in ottawa so I grabbed it while we were in Dundas this weekend.

Again I am impressed by authors who don't tell you the same old, same old. I love the perspective he takes on looking at stocks. He looks at them like you are buying a piece of the business and not for how much you will eventually make on the sale, in fact he plans on never selling his stocks. He keeps them around for the dividend distributions.

I also want to get into REITs, he likes these too.

I also enjoy how he gives examples and specifics.

He writes from the perspective of an everday investor and not from a financial planner, (which he is not). Its nice to know he was successful even in the bear market.

The great news is that we now have a few more ideas for income producing assets that we can add to the empire.

1. Real Estate Trusts
2. Dividends from Blue Chip Stocks

And I am only half way through

posted by aforward @ 12:37 PM,


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