Product Overdiversification

One thing that is getting on my nerves recently is how corporations are now simply overdiversifying their products. It is pretty obvious that diversification is neccessary for companies to differentiate their product in order increase growth of sales in their respective market, especially in times where products sales are stagnant(sp?) or beginning to decline.

There are some great examples of this working and even more documented examples
of this failing miserably. What I'm annoyed by is that it is everywhere from
toothpaste to chocolate bars. And the poor examples have marred this
technique so much that they nullify the effect of those who actually do it

I'm annoyed by the following:
Heinz introduces new easy squeeze ketchup bottles: I guess there really aren't that many ways to differentiate ketchup. I've seen some new flavours like hot and spicy, I think they made it green at one point. Anyways this new bottle is the farthest thing from being "easy to sueeze". The ketchup comes out in blobs, after 3 minutes of trying to hold and tap the bottle just right.

Toothpaste: there's tarter fighter, fresh breeze, vanilla scented, whitening, flossing. I just want the one that cleans my teeth.

Listerine: Citrus flavoured mouth wash only because the minty is too minty for some people.Please note citrus flavour is also $1.00 more.

Pepsi: Pepsi clear, pepsi free,vanilla pepsi, lime pepsi

Reeses: Inside out peanut butter cups, more peanut butter than chocolate cups, more chocolate than peanut butter cups, vanilla covered cups, fudge cups

Oreo: Now has a vanilla flavoured cookie

Gillete: one blade, two blade, three blade, excel, sensor excel, Mach 10, Mach 10 with vibrator????, Mach 10 with sleek design.

Enough already. I say stick with got you your market share in the first place.

posted by aforward @ 1:38 PM,


At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pepsi clear was canned by the government. All cafinated (sp) drinks must be caramel in colour in canada, and cannot be clear in the us.


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