Christmas Around The Corner

Only 37 more shopping days left. I'm not sure why Christmas shopping has me a little stressed this year. I guess because I am now two instead of just one. So outgoing gifts have to come from both of us and incoming gifts will probably be directed to both of us. I think we've both agreed that we don't really want or need anything. I don't think I even remember what I got last year. Anyways I'm really into perishible gifts, or for lack of a better word things I can eat. I would be just as happy with a box of turtles than diamonds and video games and DVDs...just for example we have a gift certificate from future shop of all places that we've had in our possession for about 3 months. Now if that was $40.00 worth of fudge...we'd be talkin'.
And then there is decorations, christmas cards, gift wrapping, holiday cheer.

And then there are the new traditions that my little family of two has to start. Well it's "dinner date night" so we can talk about it over what I'm sure will involve a hamburger.

Things that get on my nerves: Raptors taking a beating on their road swing

Thoughts on Days: Had to turn it off 5 minutes in was too painful...made folding laundry and exciting task.

posted by aforward @ 1:06 PM,


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